fjrigjwwe9r2pages:ttl fiogf49gjkf0d Shipping Policy
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fjrigjwwe9r2pages:contant fiogf49gjkf0d
* We ship goods by EMS / FEDEX / UPS and other shipping companies.
* We also offer you shipping (courier) service of your choice, but the charges will be extra.
Shipping is done via EMS (Express Mail Service)
We also offer you shipping (courier) service of your choice like FEDEX/ UPS , but the charges are calculated on basis of city of delivery, total weight of the goods and type of shipping company . When you place the wholesale order, we shallcalculated the exact shipping expensive and let you know by emai.
Our shipping charge by EMS is as follows :
Order Amount (US $)
Shipping Charges (US $)
1 to 600
601 to 1500
1501 & Above
Track your Shipment :
